Sunday 16th February 


All our latest events, information and prayer needs
Our Vision: "We are a people being transformed by the unconditional love of God; seeking to bless our community, and longing for all to experience the hope we have in Jesus."

Sunday 16th February

The Third Sunday before Lent

9am - Holy Communion  – Body of Christ: How do we do this? (Humility) Phil 1:27-2:13 – Jonathan Templeman  
          10.05am - Prayer Meeting – in Room 4 for approx. 20 minutes

10.30am - Morning Worship – as above

          *The 10.30am service will be livestreamed via the Christ Church Bedford YouTube channel*

7pm - Sundays@Seven – As above – Andrew Russell

Services in the coming week

Wednesday 19th February
10am -  Morning Worship (Ben Williams– followed by refreshments

Sunday 23rd February
9am - Morning Worship - Body of Christ: How do we do this? (Repentance) Col 3: 12-14 – David Thomas 
          10.05am - Prayer Meeting – in Room 4 for approx. 20 minutes
10.30am - Holy Communion – As above
7pm - Sundays@Seven – As above – Vikki Thomas

Church Family News

Christine Harrison: On Monday 10th February, Christine sadly died and went to be with her saviour. We mourn her passing but rejoice that she is free and at peace. Details regarding the funeral will come out in due course. In the meantime, please keep her family and friends in your prayers.

Lent: The beginning of Lent is fast approaching; this will begin with our Ash Wednesday service on 5th March at 8pm. The following weeks we will be gathering in church at 8pm on Wednesdays for our Lent Course: Relationships Matter. On Sundays in Lent we will be looking at Prayer.

Electoral Roll: This year we have to create a completely new electoral roll.  Look out for further details and the forms to complete coming soon.  The electoral roll is the formal list of our church members, those who delight to be at Christ Church and support our aims and values. Membership allows you to stand for PCC and vote at our 2025 Annual Meeting (Wednesday, 30th April, 8pm). Any questions to

Thoughts from the Vicar

Various people have asked me questions about some of the more practical aspects of the Church of England and how it operates etc. Over the coming weeks I want to use this space to give a brief introduction to some of things.

The first thing to remember is that the Church of England is the national church of this country, as such its ways of governance are enshrined in UK law. One of the ways this governance works is through Synods, which are meetings of representatives, including lay (eg non-clergy) and ordained members of the church. 

There are three Synods. General Synod, is the national meeting with representatives from the whole Church of England, made up of the House of Bishops, House of Clergy, and House of Laity. Diocesan Synod, which is made up of Clergy and Laity at a diocese level. And Deanery Synod, which is made up of Clergy and Laity at a local Deanery level. We are a part of the Bedford Deanery, and St Albans Diocese, and have representatives from Christ Church at both Deanery and Diocesan Synod.

This past week has seen General Synod meeting, amongst the various things which were debated and voted upon was actions surrounding Safeguarding. Many people will have seen reports in the national press, and some will have been disappointed with the outcomes. Synod voted in favour of setting up an external scrutiny body which will sit over the top of the existing structures.

For your prayers this week

Prayer for The Third Sunday before Lent: Eternal God, whose Son went among the crowds and brought healing with his touch; help us to show your love, in your Church as we gather together, and by our lives as they are transformed into the image of Christ our Lord. Amen
Please pray for:
  • Peace where there is conflict,
  • Healing where there is pain,
  • Rest for the weary,
  • Strength for the weak,
  • Wisdom for those in positions of power.
Children's Ministry and Events

THIS SUNDAY AT 10.30am (16th February):




For more information about our regular groups please look on our website here or contact Ruth using: or 07554 537757

Youth Ministry and Events



For more information about our regular groups please look on our website here or contact Hannah using: or 07384 295757

18-30s Ministry and Events

For more information contact Laura Jewell our 18-30s Pioneer at

What is happening at Christ Church and beyond

Church Walk– Sunday 16th February, meet at 2.30pm in the Hub to car share (lifts available) to Priory Country Park. Bring money to buy refreshments in the café.

Go4Gold: Visiting Speaker: 2-3.15pm Friday 21st February. Tom Perrett, Manager for Libraries and Culture for Bedford Borough Council and Curator of the Higgins, Bedford is coming to speak on: The art of Art. No booking is needed, just turn up on the day, refreshments provided. 

Men's Breakfast: Saturday 22nd February 9am-10.30am at Christ Church. Numerous breakfast options available: including egg and/or bacon and/or sausage bap, cereal, croissants, toast, jam, orange juice tea/coffee etc. If you would prefer a veggie option instead please let us know (  Cost £3 (free on first visit). No need to sign up, just turn up on the day as we would love to see you. This month we will continue following our study book – God is closer than you think by John Ortberg. This is a valuable time to build up friendships and develop support networks. Do come and join us.
Coming up later in 2025 – Bookings now open

2025 Church coach holiday Monday 2nd -Friday 6th June: open to all, staying at the Holiday Inn in Portsmouth (with a complimentary swimming pool, Jacuzzi and gym).

2025 Ladies Weekend Away: Friday 26th-Sunday 28th September staying at The Garden House in Stamford. Ladies can come for the weekend or for the day on Saturday 27th for fun, food, fellowship, teaching and worship.

Brochures and booking forms for both these events are now available from The Hub, or download (CCH / LWA) or contact Rachel Bennett. Early booking will secure your place.

Job Vacancies

From time to time we are asked to advertise local job vacancies. It is also worth checking the noticeboard opposite the glass screen.
Stables Christian Centre is Hiring
The Stables Christian Centre is a small local charity based in Bolnhurst who are looking to hire a new Garden and Grounds Co-ordinator.
Job Advert is here
Website -
Please speak to Sue Platt if you would like to know more about the charity from a personal perspective.
Bedford Foodbank: The most needed food items at the moment are: Tin openers, pot noodles,  cup-a-soup, fruit juice (long-life), tinned meat (200g), tuna, sweetcorn and fruit, jelly, coffee and long-life milk and Bags for Life.

If you wish to donate toiletries to Bedford Foodbank, our current needs are: toilet rolls, disposable razors, shaving foam/gel, sanitary wear, household cleaning sprays and washing up liquid. Many thanks for your generosity.
Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello

The following information is specifically for those planning a visit, so that you know, beforehand, what to expect on a Sunday morning. When you arrive, you should be greeted by someone on our Welcome Team.

Our 9:00am service is traditional in style and lasts about 45 minutes.

Our main Sunday family service starts at 10:30am and runs for about 75 minutes, everyone gathers together at the beginning of the service. After a short time of worship together, we divide into different teaching and worship groups as children up to school year 11 leave.

At our all-age services (60 minutes), everyone stays together for the whole service. Our weekly notice-sheet gives details of all important events happening in the near future and some guidance on topics for prayer.

Tea, coffee and biscuits are served after the service where there is plenty of time to meet new people and ask more questions. We are proud to be a certified Fair Trade Church.

Our 7:00pm Sunday evening service runs for about 75 minutes and adopts a more contemporary style with a focus on deeper worship and teaching.   


What happens to the kids at church?


We have a fantastic programme for the kids at the Church on Sunday mornings during our 10.30am service:

Imagine -  Our weekly group for babies to 3 year olds, parents are welcome to stay with their child, if they like.  They meet in the main hall 
Wonder - Our weekly group for those in school years R-3. They meet in Rooms 2-3
Marvel - Our weekly group for those in school years 4-6. They meet in Room 5 (upstairs)
Youth - Our weekly group for those in school years 7-13. They meet in Room 7 (upstairs). Please register at the desk in the hub

The children and youth stay with their parents at the start of the service as we worship together for the first part of the morning. Someone will announce when the children and youth should go to their groups. You will need to go with your children and register them, the first time they attend. 

For more information about what is currently happening in the children's work please visit the Children's Ministry page and for the youth work please visit the Youth Ministry page.

What about accessibility?

There are parking spaces next to the church halls but for the 10:30am service a larger car park is available at Castle Newman School (south site) just a few yards along Goldington Road. We have step free access from both Denmark street and Dudley street and there is space for buggies and wheelchairs in the Hub area of the new halls. There are baby changing and accessible toilet facilities and a lift to the first floor. Our sound system incorporates a hearing loop.

Getting Connected

Small Groups

While Sundays are a great way to meet new people, it is often in smaller gatherings that you can really get to know someone. Being part of one of our small groups allows you to make new friends, share together and support each other. We have a variety of groups that meet throughout the week, some afternoons and some evenings. Check out Small Groups and see if there’s one that you could join, or we can put you in touch with a small group leader who will be more than happy to invite you along to their group.

Serving and Volunteering

If you want to get involved in the life of the church and help us make Sundays run smoothly, you can sign up to serve on a team. 

Other Ministries

We also run the following ministries: